"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”
Maya Angelou
In my years as a therapist, I have encountered numerous people who have endured traumatic experiences. These events have often led to the development of negative core beliefs, profoundly influencing their self-perception and interactions with the world. I also help clients uncover the root of these core beliefs, challenge their validity, and replace them with more adaptive, self-empowering narratives.
Through understanding the nature of trauma-based core beliefs and employing powerful therapeutic interventions, it is possible to foster profound transformation and healing.
In my own life, I've experienced the transformative impact of addressing trauma-based beliefs. After a challenging childhood marked by physical abuse and emotional neglect, I developed core beliefs of worthlessness and inadequacy. With self-reflection, addiction recovery and personal therapy, I came to understand the origins of these beliefs and began the process of reframing them.
I've cultivated greater self-acceptance and resilience by recognising that my past experiences do not define my worth. My journey has improved my well-being and deepened my empathy and understanding for clients grappling with similar challenges.
To begin transforming trauma-based core beliefs, consider the following strategies:
Identify your core beliefs: Pay attention to recurring negative thoughts or emotions, as these often indicate the presence of unhelpful core beliefs.
Trace their origins: Explore the events or experiences that may have shaped these beliefs, acknowledging that they developed as a means of coping or self-protection.
Challenge their validity: Examine the evidence for and against these beliefs, considering alternative perspectives and the role of cognitive distortions.
Develop new, empowering beliefs: Create more balanced, realistic beliefs that align with your desired self-image and life goals.
The path to altering core beliefs rooted in trauma requires a combination of patience, bravery, and self-compassion. By addressing and reshaping these deeply ingrained beliefs, we can rebuild our personal stories, cultivate resilience, and pave the way for a more satisfying and enriching life.
Healing is possible
Lots of Love,
Faith xoxo