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The Silver Sirens event and cultural phenomenon is back for its fourth year. We’re ever-evolving and bigger than ever.

 This year, we get to have it all and combine the high voltage energy of our live event, at a blue ribbon position on the Sydney Harbour, with the global reach of online. 

Join us in person on Sat 23rd October 9am-5pm

Harbourside Room, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Circular Quays


Virtually via Zoom

Pre-sale tickets: $139 in-person $65 online.

Ticket price includes morning & afternoon tea, lunch, 12 speakers, 2 entertainers, and a lush gift-bag

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Our 2021 Theme: Coming of Age

Join 200 women in person and countless more from around the world virtually, for an annual gathering that is a brave space in which to explore the riches, superpowers and challenges that come with ageing and celebrate the rise of 50+ women.

For one powerful day, our Silver Sirens leaders will explore the pillars of enhanced living through the lens of the following topics:

  • Ageing Across the Culture

    • What if the limited, constrictive confines of our own western cultural perspective are an illusion? 

  • ​Ageism in the Workplace

    • Are you being overlooked for certain jobs? Are your opinions no longer sought? We’ll hear how other women have managed and triumphed over these scenarios.

  • ​Ageing in the Public Eye

    • What is it like to live out this most personal - and sometimes excruciating - emotional and physical reckoning under the kleig lights of public media attention and judgement? What if you are only getting better with age, but your professional core identity and demographic appeal is associated with youth? ​

  • Our Elders Are Treasures​

    • An old African proverb maintains that, “When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” Usually, it’s not until we’re older that we appreciate the wisdom of those who have come before. In this conversation 2 generation Y will explore the wisdom and knowledge of 2 Elders in this enriching conversation across the generations.

So Who Qualifies as a Silver Siren?

YOU DO Silver Sirens wholeheartedly welcomes those who imagine their future life through the disempowering (and largely western) prism of fear, internalising an ageist, fixed, outmoded focus on the purely physical and superficial. In fact, we explore the vulnerabilities that this can create. Seeing our amazing speakers, women who are disrupting societal norms and leading their best lives yet, will help shift your internal dialogue about ageing.

Ageing is a spiritual as well as a physical journey on this earth, and we want to optimise this sacred time.

Re-Defining Ageing 2021 Schedule

Morning Session

​Ageism in the Workplace

Are you being overlooked for certain jobs? Are your opinions no longer sought? We’ll hear how other women have managed and triumphed over these scenarios.


Before Lunch Session

Ageing Across the Culture

What if the limited, constrictive confines of our own western cultural perspective are an illusion? 


After Lunch Session

Ageing in the Public Eye

What is it like to live out this most personal - and sometimes excruciating - emotional and physical reckoning under the kleig lights of public media attention and judgement? What if you are only getting better with age, but your professional core identity and demographic appeal is associated with youth? ​


Afternoon Session

Our Elders Are Treasures​

An old African proverb maintains that, “When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” Usually, it’s not until we’re older that we appreciate the wisdom of those who have come before. In this conversation 2 generation Y will explore the wisdom and knowledge of 2 Elders in this enriching conversation across the generations.

Our Entertainers

More Speakers to Be Announced

Full program to be released in August

Pre-sale tickets: $139 in-person $65 online.

Ticket price includes morning & afternoon tea, lunch, 12 speakers, 2 entertainers, and a lush gift-bag

Meet the Visionary Behind Silver Sirens:

Faith Agugu​



Join us in person on Sat 23rd October


Harbourside Room,

Museum of Contemporary Arts, Circular Quays


Virtually via Zoom

Pre-sale tickets: $139 in-person $65 online.

Ticket price includes morning & afternoon tea, lunch, 12 speakers, 2 entertainers, and a lush gift-bag

COVID Refund Policy

As we are still in uncertain times, we want to assure you that we will do all we can to make your 2021 experience safe and risk free.

Lockdown in Sydney - those will in-person tickets will be given the option to go online with a partial refund of their ticket price or cancel their ticket with a full refund.

COVID restrictions without lockdown - the venue capacity will be reduced from 150 to 57. This means the first 57 people will have the option to attend in-person, go online or cancel with a full refund.

Remainder in-person ticket holders will be offered the option of going online with partial refund  or  cancel and receive a full refund.

There will be no changes to those who buy online tickets.

Have Questions? Click Here

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Join the growing number of Silver Sirens who are unafraid to celebrate their own flair and presence, diving deep into this extraordinary period, resting on the laurels of a lifetime of wealth building, caregiving and personal growth - yet still able bodied and vital. 

Our Sponsors

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The Healing Process Acknowledge

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